Remittance Service
Comfort Coop provides remittance service using our partner remittance service providers such as Mega Remit, Himal Remit, City Express, Moneygram, Western Union, Prabhu and IME.
Comfort Coop provides remittance service using our partner remittance service providers such as Mega Remit, Himal Remit, City Express, Moneygram, Western Union, Prabhu and IME.
Comfort Coop's Smart Banking System allows its member to access their account using their Smart Phone. Member can check their balance, preview statement, request new cheque book, perform internal and inter-bank fund transfers. Members can also perform vast range of online payments such as mobile topup, internet payment, tv payment, utility payment and fund loads to digital wallets. SMS Banking System will alert the member on all the updates and financial transactions of their comfort and their accounts respectively.
Comfort Coop provides Internet Banking Service to its customers. Now customer can access their accounts using internet in anyplace they like. Customer can check their balance and preview their statement using Comfort Coop's Internet Banking Service.
Dear Members of Comfort Coop Society, We are pleased to announce the financial closing for the year 76/77. Please find the audit report as below.